Sunday 23 February 2014

Waking up Sleeping Beauty plan

For my narrative image I decided to combine the story of sleeping beauty with my CFS.

Hands holding rose petals
 White petals for - purity, innocence, security and 'I am worthy of you'
 Pink petals for   - Grace, Happiness, Gentleness and 'Please believe me'

The hands represent healing, they can also be a symbol of protection, power and strength.
I am going to also use a light source for healing. eg candle.

I am planning on making the shape of the spinning wheel out of black rose petals. 
 Black petals show death and farewell.  
 The spinning wheel is a universal symbol of earth's cycle of renewal. It is also the thing that puts sleeping beauty to sleep in Disney's Sleeping Beauty.
Sleep is our bodys natural way of renewing itself.

I will also include my sleeping tablets and pain killers in one of the images.

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